
I find it almost impossible to say anything bad about any of the books written by Rick Riordan, I enjoyed and loved them all but this one was one of my favourites. The Red Pyramid was action filled but mostly it was very humorous which is one of it's main enjoyable features. In this book there were a lot of circumstances where the results were totally unexpected which also adds to the books greatness.This book made me very interested in Egyptian mythology and other sorts of mythology so it made me think of other novel and even careers that are related somehow to mythology. I would very much recommend reading this book because I found it quite awesome. It's an easy book to read but at some part it is sort of confusing due to the fact that the novel is told in first person but they go back and forth between Sadie and Carter telling the story. I would recommend it to people who like mythology, comedy, and to 12-16 year old, but then again my father loved it when he read it so even some adults would enjoy reading it too. I think this book is very much unlikely to not be loved and it is high up on my overall favourite book list, so to anyone who reads this, you should totally go and read this book.   :)

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